First things first, my husband and I are expecting another bouncing baby boy! That's right, our son Wyatt is getting a little brother in September! Warren is actually due on his big brother's birthday, September 5th.
So there are a lot of changes for myself and my family coming in the next few months. And as if that wasn't enough, I will be going through a few changes in my professional life as well. First of all, after a two year stint in second grade, I am going back to third! I am excited about this change. While the break from standardized testing has been nice, I have still missed third grade. There is something about the age group (more independence) and the content that I just love. Maybe it's the fact that third grade was my favorite year as a student, but it's just where my heart is right now as a relatively new teacher.
While change is often good, it can also be sad. The three elementary schools in my district are closing their doors forever this summer. I have taught at North Hamilton Elementary since I became a teacher in 2013. The school has been in existence for 90 years. It has such a rich history and holds an important part in the hearts of our community. Central Hamilton Elementary where my mother, my sister, and I attended elementary school is also closing. So is South Hamilton Elementary where my father attended elementary school.
While our schools were rich in history, they had their issues. The main building of our own school is held up by jacks in "the dungeon". You know, the space under the school where they kept coal for heating in the winter once upon a time. No, I am not joking. And yes, when the kids asked me I told them that it was where they once kept the naughty children who didn't behave. I did tell them I was kidding though.
Anyways, we were approved for a new school construction project by the state. Enter: Hamilton County Elementary School, our top of the line, gorgeous new school. While the community mourns the closing of a part of our history, we understand that our top priority is to provide our students with the best and safest learning environment possible. I am excited for the opportunity to be a part of this new school.
The construction part is finished. The technology and furniture (of course) needs to be added. But I am already planning my new layout in my head. I won't be able to move in until mid-July. Luckily I have a loving husband willing to lift heavy things for me since my mother (a fellow third grade teacher at our new school) will kill me if she catches me moving heavy boxes. And my classroom currently has filled my storage building/office space and has taken over a good part of the nursery as well. My printer and laminator are currently set up on the kitchen counter so I am anxious to get it all back to its new home so I can have my office space back. And I am hoping that Warren decides to stay in long enough for me to start school so that I can see our students' faces when they see this new school! He is due the second week of school so we shall see!
So I have been teaching summer school for the first half of the day and then going home and working on lesson plans the second half of the day for the last five weeks and throwing the occasional house cleaning in there too. Except the days where I physically can't go on and go home and sleep like the dead until time to go pick my son up from daycare. Mothering an almost two year old while pregnant and trying to prepare for not only a new school year but a grade level and classroom move and teaching summer school is quite exhausting! But I look at it as training for having two babies at or under the age of two and both are boys. And if Warren is anything like his big brother, life is going to be pretty exhausting but extremely fun for the foreseeable future!
God bless!